Sanic Hegehog Wiki

Dat Boi is a super-powerful and super-green MLG fighter. He appears as a frog riding on a unicycle, and he and Sanic have worked together and clashed many times. Dat Boi can ride tricycles super-fast, and can travel the whole world on a tricycle in just a few seconds. Dat Boi's tricycle also has memey properties, so he can travel on it in the sky without falling and breaking his dank. 

Dat Boi and Sanic first met in the MLG/YTP Total War 1, and clashed with each other, but became friends later. They now team up a lot and are good friends. he isin't very nice tho one time i saw him and he stole my ice cream but he can do dank unicycle tricks and has frog powers.

Oh and one time he Killd Goku, Mario and Galacticus cause they said he was shit.

Dat Boi was in the legendary MLG vs YTP war.

He has incredible talent, balance, and knowledge.

Dat Boi is the tony hawk of the unicycle.

Dat Boi has been spotted in space destroying asteroids and plates of spaghetti after adding Mountain Dew pitch black to his tire.

He has destroyed 1/5 of the Weegee army in the YTP Race.
